Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 38

The main elements to the façade are the rough heavy textured concrete elements that stand in stark contrast to the delicate brickwork patterning and the tension created between these elements is what captures the observer ’ s attention . The rest of the design reflects the pure quality of the material use on the outside of the building , with the main entrance staircase done in raw unstained concrete along with the landscape stairs .
It is interesting how the textures and materiality slowly reveal themselves to the visitor . As you approach the building the light concrete and dark brickwork dominats the form . Once close to the building the rich textures of the brickwork and concrete takes focus .
Challenges 31 Commerce Crescent , as with most refurbishments , was challenging in its own right - integrating old and new parts into a coherent whole is always a design challenge . As the building was going to be occupied by a car dealership , another more practical design criteria was creating access to the first floor for vehicles and integrating the car lift and motor room into the design . The most challenging part of the process was the amount of flexibility that needed to be built into the design to ensure its viability into the future .
As 31 Commerce Crescent was refurbished during the challenges of Covid-19 in 2020 - from
38 31 Commerce Crescent