Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 25

other developments provide a working example as to how it can be done for companies that are looking to the future of their businesses in a sustainable way with a focus on both environmental performance and the greatest asset a company has : its people .
Vusi Nondo , the Executive Manager for Development at the V & A Waterfront , explains that the Ridge has been an important milestone for the Waterfront in its rollout of bespoke office space , mixed use and retail offerings .
“ It has been said that working from an office post-COVID-19 will never be the same again - worldwide . Of course , that ’ s true , but long prior to the pandemic , the Waterfront development team identified a healthy office space that looks after the wellness of employees as being of paramount importance to any business . Armed with a development approach we consider as ‘ Our Normal ’, we ’ ve implemented people-centred innovations in all our bespoke developments . These promote a healthy work environment , help in combating sick building syndrome and promote low carbon modes of transport . These include pedestrian footpaths , bicycle routes / parks , outdoor greened relaxation areas and even food gardens ”, he says .
The Ridge was designed to be a world-class living , breathing building by incorporating a number of standout features , some of which are firsts for South Africa : controlled by the occupants . This means that office workers may open the windows to let in fresh air for up to 82 % of the year round .
An impressive atrium runs from ground to the third level of the building . Referred to as the ‘ central street ’, it helps to pull air through the building , in through the windows and out through the rooflights , while also bringing many other benefits to workers and visitors inside the building .”
Air Quality The building operates on a mixed mode interior climate control system , which includes the following features : Natural ventilation , which significantly raises the indoor air quality and is
The Ridge 25