Architect and Builder Jul 2021 | Page 12

199 Oxford 203 Oxford
199 Oxford
The precinct and the building in particular aim to be respectful of the public environment . As such , at ground level , the building ’ s edges are set back to give walking shelter and are activated by high street retail and the entrances of the office buildings above . Designed by GLH Architects , the architecture of this 9,200m 2 is modern , humble and timeless with an open and permeable character . Clear glass married with the warmth of natural stone provide for a soft palette of materials .
The attractive wedge-shape design is notable for its glass façades , created with 4,500m 2 of glazing . This design enhances the wellbeing of the building ’ s users allowing ample fresh air , particularly unimpeded access to external vistas looking east over Johannesburg ’ s treed suburbs and plenty of natural daylight . The emphasis of the building is on the Oxford Road façade with the other two façades being downplayed as they are only visible at acute angles through the pedestrian streets of the precinct .
contrasting façade treatments were introduced . The first includes vertical scattered punctured openings sheathed in glass , while the other is clad in aluminum panels and punctured by horizontal openings . A recess above the vehicular entrance further fragments the building and brings the architecture to a more balanced human scale .
4 Parks Boulevard - Radisson RED
The 222-room Radisson RED hotel comprises standard studios and suites in bold designs and features a pulsating rooftop bar and terrace . The contemporary building includes two distinct façades . The east and western ends of the building feature glass curtain walls with offset vertical aluminium cladding , providing a distinctly
4 Parks Boulevard
203 Oxford
203 Oxford is a premium grade commercial development . Covering 10,000m ², the building has four floors with 500m ² of ground-floor retail space , as well as , a 200-seater auditorium .
The shape and orientation of the site influenced the dynamic form of the building . A small portion of the site faces busy Oxford Road , acting as a landmark within the precinct . Therefore , the front face needed to be an iconic and attractive design . In response to this , dhk Architects introduced a distinct architectural feature – a geometric protruding glass box . Moreover , a large recessed terrace wraps around the top floor with a projecting white roofline podium that provides shade and frames the building .
A large portion of the building stretches along Eastwood Road . In order to reduce the monolithic linear form , two
12 Oxford Parks