products and host meetings and flooring sales consultations . C76 chose to use a restricted but carefully disciplined palette of materials to create something of a blank box , or canvas in which there ’ s plenty ( varying ) spaces left for the products to shine .
Brick , steel and wood both reflect the Parkhurst built and natural landscapes , while also reflecting and celebrating Oggie ’ s natural product line and ethos . Smaller spaces are both defined or framed individually through scale and the Oggie range textures ,
while simultaneously opening up into a larger free flowing connectivity through the building and beyond .
Light enters the building through timber screens and the clever use of a patterned brick façade . By turning the bricks at an angle ; a lenticular effect allows a large area of natural light into the building , while also acting as a privacy screen when viewed obliquely . This dappling of sunlight and shade is complimented and added to by allowing skylights to bring in corner and above views of the surrounding treetops - all the way to the Hillbrow Telkom
66 Oggie Showroom