Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2024 | Page 66

Providing Rotating Platform Solutions to Africa

The use of rotational platforms or turntables has been implemented internationally for many years , but now there is a South African company bringing the time and space saving solution to the local market .

As official agents for the Australian Turntable Company , African Turntables are backed by more than 35 years of experience in the custom development of rotational platforms . Australian Turntables has built its reputation on manufacturing and constructing the best turntables in the world that are renowned for their superior quality and reliability .

Systems are provided for a wide range of applications from residential , industrial , rail , mining and everything in-between .
Industrial Internationally turntables are used extensively for residential and industrial application as well as commercial , tunneling , rail and construction environments . Not widely used in Africa to date , the founding team of African Turntables identified an opportunity to incorporate turntables within local projects . As development continues throughout the continent , erf / property sizes are becoming smaller and it will become increasingly necessary for developers and architects to optimise every square metre of available site-space .
This is especially so in the case of industrial developments , where delivery vehicles require large areas to be allocated for turning and / or parking . The installation of a turning platform that enables loading and unloading in far less square meterage , is certainly something that should be considered . From a productivity perspective , turnaround time for delivery vehicles is also improved . The installation of a turntable enables architects and building designers to consider innovative new approaches to the design of delivery / dispatch areas of an industrial building .
Residential The installation of a turntable on a residential project can often be the solution at a difficult site , where parking is a challenge . A turntable ensures a homeowner a far safer entry onto a busy road as the need for dangerous reversing manoeuvres , where space and visibility is limited , are eliminated . Erf size , and or steep terrain , can also limit design decisions where turning / parking requirements take preference over optimal site usage , for the likes of a swimming pool or additional bedroom for example .
Turnkey Solution African Turntables provide a turnkey solution , from the supply of the components to installation and servicing . The turntable can be installed as a separate component mounted on top of an existing garage floor or driveway or alternatively using countersunk models . While countersunk turntables require some civil considerations , Paver Riser models allow for seamless matching of the turntable deck with surrounding surface finishes . Aside from the standard sizes and designs , African Turntables can be customised by local engineers to a client ’ s specific requirements .
African Turntables is well positioned to assist developers and architects with technical specification documents and expertise to incorporate turntables into both existing and future projects .
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