Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2023 | Page 76

Air Conditioning All buildings in the office park are served by a centralised chilled water plant located on the lowest basement level . Water for the cooling towers comes from a treatment plant taking water from the attenuation pond and condensate harvesting from all the buildings in the Park . Block A is served by multiple fan coil units mounted in the ceiling void . This maximises the available tenant space and provides excellent zonal control . Modulating , as opposed to simple open and closed chilled water valves , were used to significantly improve temperature control and further minimise complaints especially on the call-centre floors . Additional Green-Star points were achieved by increasing the preconditioned fresh air to maximum levels on all office floors . The air-conditioning system is both locally and fully centrally controlled . Temperatures can easily be adjusted from full-graphical displays on the facility manager ’ s computer .
Sustainability The project targets a minimum 4 Star Green Star SA Rating . This rating represents a GBCSA Best Practice recognition for the development . The office is a high-performance building with respect to Water & Energy efficiency , thereby significantly reducing its overall environmental footprint . The office spaces are healthy and productive work environments due to a focus on indoor environmental quality which impacts building occupant ’ s wellbeing .
Energy Efficiency The building has a modelled energy consumption of 168kWh / m 2 / year - far less than 227kWh / m 2 / year SANS10400 XA requirement . Carbon emissions have been reduced from 272 kgCo2 / m 2 / year to 202 kgCo2 / m 2 / year when compared to a building constructed to SA National standards .
This reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions is due to the following :
76 Rewardsco