Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2023 | Page 55

Façade treatment to open circulation the southern portion , and sinking 30m deep friction piles only 15m to the north , required innovative structural solutions . Although having initially undertaken as best a geotechnical survey as possible , with the existing structures limiting access , the team needed to adapt a dynamic design process as the bulk excavations uncovered new information that required complete design reviews . The final structural solution is radically prototypical and will likely be discussed as a case study by engineers in the future .
The architects were constantly reminded of the irony demonstrated by the old Baker and Fleming building which had avoided the ravages of the treacherous foundation conditions with hardly a crack in their façades apparent for more than 110 years .
Health and safety is always important when building in an operating environment , but obviously even more so when construction is taking place within a school . Keeping curious boys from wandering onto the site proved easier than dealing with the noise and dust . Many of the operating classrooms overlooked the building site . Somewhat unintentionally , this process of observation became part of an on-site teaching process . Perhaps some of the learners may well pursue a career in design and construction , inspired by what they observed during their primary school years .
The COVID-19 lockdown caught up with the team towards the end of the process , which while taking away some of the much anticipated excitement in delivering the project , was well managed by all concerned .
Multi configurable learning spaces
St John ' s 55