Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2023 | Page 52

North elevation as seen from St Patrick Road
Prep ’ s new quadrangle incorparating an excavated ampitheatre the Preparatory School into the modern era of educational design practices , whilst still respecting the tradition and classicism of the original buildings .
The challenge was to design a new building with its own identity that created space for 18 new classrooms and a new science lab on an already densely populated campus , whilst located in an easily accessible central area that also allowed access to the existing buildings .
The new building had to to be exemplary in terms of comfort and incorporate sustainable building elements . The guiding principle that was applied in evaluating the design was to directly compare it with the quality of the existing Baker buildings .
The Build In order to create space for the new building an old house traditionally used as a sanatorium was
52 St John ' s