Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2023 | Page 38

Design Concept In response to the brief , the architects sought inspiration in the context to generate the form and texture of the building . Inspiration was taken from the ocean itself , the azure blue East Coast sea , the fluid forms of water and waves , the sinuous nature of fish and the natural rhythm of the beautiful Durban sun in its journey across the skies . These were the inspiration from nature . From the technologies of the sea they took inspiration from sleek ocean-going yachts and the form and shapes needed to navigate the oceans .
The building plan form follows on with a curvilinear , fluid aesthetic which permeates the rest of the development - notably the shopping centre and yet to be constructed twin apartment towers . The Radisson Blu is housed in a stacked curvilinear tower 27 storeys in height .
Levels 1-7 are the podium which houses all the hotel reception and public spaces including a pool deck at level 7 . Levels 8-16 comprise of the 207 hotel rooms in various configurations , stacked in plan around an internal circulation core , thereby facilitating maximum view potential for the rooms . Levels 17 to 26 comprise of 90 one and two bedroom apartments with continuous wrap around balconies . Level 27 houses two spectacular penthouses . The apartments are accessed separately at ground level with two dedicated panoramic glass lifts housed in a measured slot on the west façade .
Façade In keeping with the desire to create a modern and sophisticated form , the exterior of the structure reflects a very limited material palette and is
38 Radisson Blu