Architect and Builder Jan/Feb 2023 | Page 11

reliable access to sufficient and sustainably sourced energy throughout the precinct . Discussions are well under way with the Stellenbosch council and other role players to explore the feasibility of independently managed , micro-generation systems .
Access to efficient water supply infrastructure was an equally crucial consideration to ensure the sustainability of the Newinbosch neighbourhood . Developers are currently building a reservoir to service the interim water supply needs , while working with the Stellenbosch municipality in search of innovative water infrastructure solutions that would benefit both Newinbosch as well as existing and future communities in the wider northern Stellenbosch area .
Inner-precinct water management solutions incorporate the use of central swales to collect and clean stormwater off the road surfaces by directing it through a wetland system , and into a central neighbourhood pond from where it is pumped back into the irrigation system .
Neighbourhood Living The Newinbosch development is based on the five-minute neighbourhood concept , which means that infrastructure and spatial planning within the development allows residents to reach
leisure and retail amenities within a five-minute walk or ride from any point in the neighbourhood . By promoting ease of access and encouraging a walkable community , Newinbosch residents stand to benefit from lower energy consumption , less pollution and minimal traffic congestion .
Newinbosch offers residents one of the largest selections of lifestyle amenities currently available within the Stellenbosch secure living market . These include purpose-built leisure , sport , and entertainment amenities , as well as a range of cultural and recreational facilities .
Among the unique features of Newinbosch is a 3,000m ² notfor-profit urban farm that encourages a greater awareness of the sustainable sourcing of food . Integral to the neighbourhood ’ s household food waste composting programme , the farm will grow and sell produce to residents , visitors and onsite eateries and shops . Newinbosch will also offer education facilities from preschool to Grade 12 as well as a 7,500m 2 convenience centre .
The Newinbosch development will be rolled out in a phased approach over the next four to six years . Construction of services for the first phases commenced in August 2022 , with the first phase ready for occupation during the fourth quarter of 2023 .
Project Watch 11