Architect and Builder December 2016 | Page 24

to the Waterfront. The cladding on the façade is a dark grey, large format, scratch resistant ceramic cladding tile from Turkey that is so hard that it is also specified for use as kitchen counter tops. The battleship grey colour of this cladding gives the building that secure corporate banking aesthetic. The interior reflects upon the regional status of the Free State building and is inspired by the natural materials and palette colours of the bushveld. The overall interior design carries through various local and commercial environmental themes such as agriculture, mining, transport and sandstone ‘koppies’. Bomax designed the atrium chandelier and had it made in Cape Town. Dion comments; “I love the edgy deconstructed mood the chandelier creates against the ordered interior façades. Like ‘shards of glass’ the chandelier creates tension in the space, not foreign to a corporate environment - it is sculptural and designed to fill the volume with a feeling.” Apart from the numerous informal meeting areas, rooms and ‘scrum areas’, the building boasts a state-of-the-art conference room, equipped with the latest video conferencing technology, a restaurant for employees and a 22 rooftop recreational area with expansive views over the city. Sustainability The building employs various eco-friendly features. The atrium is designed to maximise natural light with a new acrylic sheeting product instead of glass that achieves both the required heat gain and insulation values. A 100KWp photo voltaic solar system is designed for the rooftop that generates 170MWh of power per annum. This takes advantage of the cloudless sunny days in Bloemfontein. The West sun does become extreme so the architects designed the west façade with less glazing and more cladding. This cladding is ventilated on a frame away from the building which prevents heat gain to the interior. The glass used is Low Emissivity coated to prevent heat loss in winter and tinted grey to prevent heat gain in summer. A 20,000 litre portable water storage tank provides two days worth of water backup. The site also has a borehole, which is used for the irrigation of plants and lawns. Generators provide back up power to the building for five days utilising a fuel supply housed on site. First Place