and the landscaping plans are to list and motivate plant types to be used for approval .
A minimum of 20 % of each site area is to be landscaped ( the 20 % is to be regarded as hard and soft landscaping areas ); landscape designs are to take into account safety , surveillance , and defensibility of the public environment ; in addition , corner sites have very specific requirements in terms of planting height and species , so as not to obscure or obstruct views .
Another focus of the guidelines is the external horizontal surface treatment throughout the Ridgeside precinct and the interface of the public surfaces with the surfaces used in the various properties . In this regard , landscaping design firm Ochre Office of Johannesburg assisted Paragon in selecting and specifying plant types that would meet the requirements of both the RMA and Green Star throughout the design . Ochre Office also assisted in terms of the documentation of the paving layouts , timber decks , timber seating , and the water features .
The edge conditions of the landscaping on the site boundaries were designed to , where possible , join seamlessly with the adjacent RMA landscaping levels to soften the transition , to keep the natural slope , and not to impose the new landscaping on the area with hard edges . The RMA landscaping will , in future , tie into the project ’ s landscaping as a natural extension of the design .
Pedestrian access to the site was designed with the pedestrian movement through the precinct in mind . From Umhlanga Rocks Drive , pedestrian access was introduced to the podium level through an accessible ramp and a stair down . From Ntusi Road , access is provided through a stair to the podium level , while on the corner , on-grade access was provided that could also be used for deliveries to the coffee shop . The positions and angles of the various access routes were influenced by the buildings ’ shape , its axes created , and the relationship / position of the pedestrian routes around the site .
Another important element of the client brief was to keep the area between the two buildings as flexible as possible for future functions , and as a spill-out area for both buildings . To that end , a row of trees was designed on the axis between the buildings , in combination with built-in and movable planters to create the necessary flexibility .
Pran Boulevard marks an exciting addition to the Ridgeside skyline with its complex glass façade and bold design .
24 Pran Boulevard