Lecico : Bathroom Ceramics that are Specified & Loved
Creating beautiful bathroom spaces with exceptional product quality , aesthetics , range , availability , and uniformity
Lecico is proud of its place in the projects ’ domain . As a brand , they have pioneered how people experientially engage with bathroom sanware .
An Aspirational and Accessible Brand Lecico bathroom ceramics are both highly desirable and affordable . Their extensive product range includes everything from stunning rimless wall hung pans and contemporary close coupled toilets to luxurious under-slung basins and luxe countertop basins , urinals , and bidets . They are also very wellknown for their attractive and safe medical and assisted mobility bathroom sanware .
The Building Blocks of Beautiful Bathrooms Lecico ’ s slogan of ‘ We Make Bathrooms Beautiful ’ is a very real and authentic way of being and doing for Lecico . Through their thoughtful and expansive curated product ranges , manufacturing excellence , and their industry leading
Delighting Customers Customer delight is a distinctively Lecico experience . The company was founded on - and thrives today - because of their tangible guiding principles of people-first and customer delight . international distribution network , Lecico ’ s beautiful bathroom ceramics are experienced and appreciated by a broad and inclusive demographic cross section . These components all work seamlessly together to deliver the Lecico beautiful bathrooms experience .
Partnering on Projects Lecico has earned its place as the preferred choice for project practitioners . They save project practitioners time on specifications by providing super-easy access to valuable information , expert advice , and detailed technical specs in a variety of formats . Lecico ’ s objective is to ensure quick access to accurate information through their SpecEasy Specifications portal ( on their website ,) AutoSpec , and most importantly , via the expertise and skill of their Specifications Expert , Sulize van Rensburg , who liaises with project practitioners either in person or digitally .
Curated Project Ranges Linked to the ethos of customer delight , the Lecico website provides a comprehensive and intuitive repository of vital information aimed specifically at project practitioners . You are invited to explore the Lecico Architects ’ Choice Ranges , ranges specifically curated for their relevance to , and popularity with , specifications . www . lecicosa . co . za
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