ArchiBuild and Builder Jul 2022 | Page 76

LINDA LESOLLE UNIVERSITY OF JOHANNESBURG ‘ Stimela : The Re-urbanisation of a ghost train station ’
Linda ’ s thesis rethinks the railway infrastructure that historically shaped and divided the urban landscape in South Africa . Furthermore , it aims to reimagine train stations as an urban catalyst for future African cities and mobilities . For the UN Habitat ( 2009 ), urban mobility is a key element of sustainable urbanisation in response to social and economic challenges in development countries .
There is more to mobility than just the movement of people from one place to another ; it refers to people ’ s accessibility and connectivity to different urban environments and opportunities . The thesis focuses on the vandalised and abandoned commuter rail stations along the Johannesburg industrial mining belt as a toxic site and acupuncture point for a design intervention .
It is a speculative project grounded within a pragmatic context , presenting a thoughtprovoking scheme towards the reimagination of future rail infrastructure and African mobilities . I drew a lot of inspiration from the theme of
toxicity and urban landscapes in mining cities and landfills . I was not merely concerned with uncovering a site of environmental degradation , but rather more interested in exploring alternative ways to remediate the urban landscape and to create resilient public spaces .
“ This approach pushed me towards a transformative way of research , responding to the challenges that we all need to address as defined in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the habitat III Agenda for urban response to rapidly growing cities around the world ,” says Linda .
Architecture offers an alternative tool with the potential to play multiple roles in society . “ As spatial practitioners , we have the rare opportunity of shaping the direction of development in our society , not necessarily dictating development patterns , but rather working with existing societal patterns , systems , and context to help develop sustainable urban environments that can positively impact society and urban growth patterns ,” says Linda .
76 Student Awards