ArchiBuild and Builder Jul 2022 | Page 67

Mpho ’ s interest in this particular subject initially stemmed from her intrigue , and slight disappointment , that the Basotho Blanket ( kobo ) as we know it today is a foreign object introduced to Basotho by Western traders . However , upon further investigation , her disappointment transformed into curiosity as to how , why , and what made the blanket so prominent in her culture , despite its origin . It inspired an inquiry that sought to use these lessons as a guide to formulate a framework of design that assimilates traditional knowledge , cultural heritage , and craft into urban environments .
“ I am passionate about people and how they conceive , perceive , and live in spaces . My passion in architecture therefore stems from the idea that buildings and spaces constitute architecture ’ s contribution to society . They speak to , and of , society . I believe deeper investigations of vernacular architecture and traditional building technologies can reveal numerous sources of conceptual solutions , through which sustainable systems can be rediscovered and translated in our urban environments through tectonic agency , use of local materials , craft , and making of sociable spaces . These can offer new ways to empower users at all levels and foster sustainable networks of making in communities in ways that are culturally and contextually specific ,” says Mpho .
Student Awards 67