ArchiBuild and Builder Jul 2022 | Page 22

Client Brief The conceptual planning was a direct response to the detailed brief and requirements set by the client . They requested a 22,000m 2 warehouse with 4,000m 2 of office space and staff facilities for 200 employees .
The new facility has been designed to cater for SEW-Eurodrive ’ s current and future needs and to assist the company in consolidating its South African operations in the new building . The warehouse area has a clear height of 13m to the underside of eaves , and
a FM2 ( TR 34 ) specification floor in terms of flatness . Additional foundations have been cast to accommodate the cranage lines as per SEW-Eurodrive requirements .
The warehouse design incorporates dedicated areas for repairs , assembly , electronic assembly , cranage lines to accommodate the SEW equipment , stock storage and racking area , dedicated stores , dispatch , receiving and warehousing areas , as well as warehouse facilities including changerooms , canteen area and ancillary offices .
22 SEW-Eurodrive