While some companies have made the shift to fully remote working , it is not a viable option for many others . Therefore , many are implementing a hybrid model that is likely to emerge as the dominant workplace strategy post-pandemic .
Research has revealed that in-person interactions lead to commitment , support , and cooperation among team members . Most employees admit they miss faceto-face meetings and social interactions as opposed to talking to a computer screen while at home . That is why the hybrid model is increasingly popular , as it involves a combination of office and remote work . The hybrid model combines three main concepts :
• The office as a place for meetings and employee interaction
• Partial work from home as standard , not as an additional benefit
• The place of work depends on the type of activity performed at a given moment The hybrid office is touted to be a more efficient way of working , boosting employee satisfaction , promoting a better work-life balance , and enabling connectivity . Here are a few key factors to consider when designing a hybrid office :
Engages employees in the space planning process as they will need to work and thrive in the new hybrid workplace . This activity requires a team of designers , facility planners , and change management professionals .
After surviving so many lockdowns and being stuck at home for such a long time , nobody wants to go to an office and sit in an enclosed space or cubicle . People still prefer an office that is mostly open . However , the open environment should also have on-demand privacy like phone booths or focus rooms .
Remote work does not work for everyone . There are people who prefer more in-person work , while many workers prefer the productivity of the office . Leaders may want to consider mandatory office work for certain teams that need a collaborative environment to thrive , such as sales or marketing . Evaluating each individual ’ s work and collective needs can help create an effective hybrid office .
A hybrid office is synonymous with technology . Most social spaces in the
office , closed or semi-open , will need to be enabled for video conferencing to connect distributed teams , considering factors such as acoustics , degree of enclosure , background , technology , and more . Depending on the organisation , new technologies and digital tools may be needed to enhance business processes and employee interactions .
Designating fewer workstations for individuals frees up a lot of space to be repurposed for a wider variety of collaborative spaces . Multiple shared collaborative spaces serve functions like supporting individual work , gatherings , or team discussions . The hybrid office
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