Saving for a rainy day ...
UNI-DAM , a rainwater management system designed to prevent heavy storm rainfall from overwhelming gutter systems and flooding into buildings .
The system is fixed to the roof and once installed slows and controls the flow of rainfall into the gutter .
For more information or quote please contact our office on 01384 252777 .
Unrivalled excellence in gutter lining technology . www . gutterliners . com
Imitation is always flattery ...
But none can match the excellence of a system that is truly complete THE UNIFOLD GUTTER LINING SYSTEM .
Having faced and solved every problem experienced in its long life with consummate ease UNIFOLD remains THE GOLD STANDARD to which others aspire !
UNIFOLD – Unrivalled excellence in Gutter Lining Technology .
UNIFOLD ® Unrivalled excellence in gutter lining technology . www . gutterliners . com