Archetech Issue 75 2024 | Page 32

Photos : Finbarr Fallon / Sentosa Development Corporation
The lightness and leanness of the diagrid structures allow nature , views , and light to permeate . At night the spaces are transformed into surreal ridge and reef-like environments , enabled by digital light art and augmented reality .
‘ Tactile Trellis ’ contains a large vessel structure formed of petal-like precast concrete elements . The material composition , with a delicate mix of textures and aggregates , complements the garden ’ s variety of plant species . Seats of various sizes allow visitors to rest amongst the plants while the vessel ’ s concrete surfaces serve as a canvas for projections and an interactive light display at night . ‘ Scented Sphere ’ features concentric ‘ stalks and buds ’ that suspend fragrant flowers . The vessel is a grid shell structure comprising four woven steel strips that form the stalk and bud . Species in this garden are selected for their unique scent and curated to ensure a year-round scent palette .
‘ Symphony Streams ’ features a polyphonic water fountain featuring over 200 acoustic water pails . Water cascades from pail to pail with differing pitch , creating the rhythmic sound of a waterfall . At the base of the structure , a circular ring-shaped pool allows visitors to interact with the flowing water . ‘ Glow Garden ’ is a plaza cradled by giant illuminated ‘ stalk ’ structures . At the tip of these stalks are ‘ buds ’ that at night create a promenade of light leading visitors from Sensoryscape to the beach beyond . From Beach Station , the stalks frame a dramatic entry plaza to the site .
www . m-ply . com . sg / www . serie . co . uk