Archetech Issue 70 2024 | Page 96



Despite its long heritage , roofing some of our oldest buildings , copper and its alloys today are competitive and sustainable cladding materials for all types of housing , delivering high-quality , tenure-blind architecture . A growing series of building studies showcases the diversity of surfaces , forms and applications available with Nordic Copper from Aurubis .
Copper ’ s unique architectural qualities are defined by its naturally developing patina – which cannot be replicated successfully using other materials with surface coatings . The patina film provides impressive protection against corrosion and can repair itself if damaged , giving its exceptional longevity . Within a few days of exposure to the atmosphere , a copper surface begins to oxidise , changing from the ‘ bright ’ mill finish to a chestnut brown , which gradually darkens over several years to a chocolate brown . Continued weathering can eventually result in the distinctive green or blue patina seen on older roofs .
Natural Living Surfaces
The Aurubis ‘ Nordic Copper ’ range provides all these surfaces straightaway . The processes involved are generally similar to those taking place over time in the environment , utilising copper mineral compounds , not alien chemical processes . All these surfaces form an integral part of the copper , generally continuing to change over time , and are not lifeless coatings or paint . The material is easily bent and formed , and there are no limitations on the length of copper sheet or strip because whole coils are treated on the production line , not just limited size sheets .
The Nordic Copper range includes Nordic Standard ‘ mill finish ’ and Nordic Brown pre-oxidised copper , offering lighter or darker shades of brown determined by the thickness of the oxide layer . The extensive Nordic Blue , Nordic Green and new Nordic Turquoise ranges have been developed with properties and colours based on the same brochantite mineralogy found in natural patinas all over the world . As well as the solid patina colours , ‘ Living ’ surfaces are available for each with other intensities of patina flecks revealing some of the dark oxidised background material .
Branch Place , London utilises high-quality materials – particularly Nordic Brown Light copper cladding – as part of its tenure-blind strategy . Photo : Peter Landers
Below , Nordic Brown copper , in both solid and perforated panels , animates a cooperative housing estate helping to regenerate a central area of Warsaw .
Photo : Michal Lagoda
Copper Alloys
But copper alloys are growing in popularity as well including Nordic Bronze and Nordic Brass – which can also be supplied pre-weathered . The innovative