Archetech Issue 69 2023 | Page 39

In terms of urban operation and function , the site is divided into longitudinal strips with different functions .
identical square-plan buildings on the plot , with their external facades parallel to the shorter sides of the plot . The buildings themselves are rotated by 13 degrees from each other . An irregular communal space with original mature trees is created between them . The principle of rotating the buildings is also reflected in the shape of the curved parking space , the roof , and the funnel-like widening access road .
In terms of urban operation and function , the site is divided into longitudinal strips with different functions . Along the eastern perimeter , a road leads to the parking lot . On the other side of the parking lot , there is a pedestrian walkway that traverses the entire site from north to south , connecting Ringhoffer Street to the pedestrian walkway on the north . The western strip of the plot is the widest and is used