Archetech Issue 64 2023 | Page 29

“ Nordic Royal golden copper alloy gives the building a real sense of opulence and quality , as well as contributing to its art-deco feel .

Nordic Royal golden copper alloy gives the building a real sense of opulence and quality , as well as contributing to its art-deco feel . But it also acts as a reminder of a special part of the Lawen Group ’ s family history , embodied in the George Residence – named after the company ’ s founder George Lawen . The company ’ s current president and CEO said : “ Our Team chose to feature the golden copper alloy at The George in appreciation of its durability and distinguished and dazzling appearance – an ode to our founder .”
Nordic Royal is an innovative alloy of copper with aluminium and zinc , giving a rich golden through-colour that is very stable . The surface retains its golden colour and simply loses some of its sheen as the oxide layer thickens with exposure to the atmosphere , resulting in a protective matt finish .
The Nordic Copper range of architectural copper and alloy products is available from Aurubis , part of the world ’ s leading integrated copper group and largest copper recycler . It includes Nordic Standard ‘ mill finish ’ and Nordic Brown pre-oxidised copper offering lighter ( Nordic Brown Light ) or darker shades of brown determined by the thickness of the oxide layer . some of the dark oxidised background material . In addition to Nordic Royal , copper alloys include Nordic Bronze and Nordic Brass , which can also be supplied pre-weathered .
Copper and its alloys enjoy unique characteristics particularly in terms of safety , sustainability and long-term performance . With an ‘ A1 ( non-combustible material )’ fire classification to EN 13501-1 , copper is inherently fire-safe and suitable for cladding tall buildings , using appropriate constructions . It is also , therefore , rated ‘ Class 0 ’ surface spread of flame , making it suitable for internal wall and ceiling surfaces . Particularly important today , copper is non-toxic and its inherent antimicrobial qualities make it ideal for touch surfaces .
The extensive Nordic Blue , Nordic Green and Nordic Turquoise ranges have been developed with properties and colours based on the same brochantite mineralogy found in natural patinas all over the world . As well as the solid patina colours , ‘ Living ’ surfaces are available for each with other intensities of patina flecks revealing
A growing series of on-line ‘ copper stories ’ exemplify the best in contemporary architecture and showcase the diversity of surfaces , forms and applications available with Nordic Copper today . For more information visit : www . nordiccopper . com or email : NordicCopper @ aurubis . com