Archetech Issue 58 2022 | Page 10

Part of the ‘ Sky-House ’ development .
Image : CODA Architecture


The ‘ Sky-House ’ development , at Oughtibridge Mill to the north of Sheffield , comprises forty high-specification homes . The term ‘ Sky-House ’ being derived from the spacious feel of the properties , which benefit from unrivalled views and offer bright and airy living , complete with riverside balconies . Designed by CODA Architecture , it is built very much with sustainability in mind and minimising any risk of thermal bridging at the balcony detailing is critical . The load-bearing structural thermal break that easily achieves this ; and most effectively helps the project meet compliance with the necessary Building Regulations ( and the impending Future Homes Standard criteria ) is the Schöck Isokorb . Specifically it is the Schöck Isokorb T type SK for concrete-tosteel connectivity that is incorporated at Oughtibridge Mill . This is a complete system thermal break . It is unique in being the only formally UK approved product that satisfies the load-bearing and thermal insulation requirements for this type of application , providing assurance to the end-user that the safest product has been selected for their building needs .
The avoidance of thermal bridging is extremely important for a number of reasons . Any local heat loss will result in more energy being required to maintain the internal temperature of the building . Also , low internal surface temperatures in the area of any thermal bridge can cause condensation and this in turn is likely to result in structural integrity problems . Mould growth too is a possible risk , which in a residential situation can cause asthma and allergies .
Oughtibridge Mill ‘ Sky-House ’ is an award winning scheme – recipient of the Development of the Year ( fewer than 50 homes ) at the Insider Yorkshire Property Industry Awards 2021 . It is part of a wider scheme for 320 new homes that will enable the regeneration of this former industrial mill site . It had been a flourishing paper mill from Victorian times until its closure in 2007 and renovation of the old mill building for use as a mixed-use food hall , community hub and leisure facility is underway . To reference the industrial history of the area , a sensitive contemporary design style features saw-toothed roofs on the three and four-bed townhouses .
In addition to its comprehensive range of Isokorb solutions for concrete-to-steel , concrete-to-concrete and steel-to-steel – Schöck also offers a maintenance free alternative to wrapped parapets . All products meet full compliance with the relevant UK building regulations and have the security of independent BBA Certification , which provides NHBC approval . The temperature factor requirement ( fRSI ) used to indicate condensation risk , which for residential buildings must be equal to , or greater than , 0.75 is also easily met by incorporating the Isokorb .
Contact Schöck on 01865 290 890 ; or visit the website at www . schoeck . com for full details of the Isokorb range