Archetech Issue 56 2021 | Page 7

“ On an environmental level , Partenord is fully aligned with the requirements of the Third

Industrial Revolution .
The multiple balanced outdoor spaces offer pleasant settings for users , tenants , employees , and retailers , looking out onto an environment of biodiversity .
The building is adorned with various sizes and styles of terracotta cladding . A feature is created along Boulevard de Belfort , like an urban window with three sides of reflective glass . This mirror onto the city amplifies the comings and goings of local residents .
More than just architectural touches , the systems put in place offer functional qualities tailored to each project . The simple urban façade establishes structural and functional integrity to meet project requirements in the clearest possible way .
On an environmental level , Partenord is fully aligned with the requirements of the Third Industrial Revolution and the energy transition through the pragmatic implementation of suitable processes for the project : recovery and storage of grey water and excess energy , use of renewable energies like solar panels , and optimized electricity consumption , notably through the use of digital radiators . Eighty percent of the rental housing ’ s winter heating requirements will be covered by the headquarters ’ surplus heat recovery ( known as excess energy ).
In recovering this energy , building interconnectivity and performance objectives in terms of operation and maintenance ( inclusion of BIM ) are challenges that were tackled to achieve an energy transition model for the future .