UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY Accessibility has been completely redesigned in the new building : the entire ground floor is on the same level as the ground and the floors are accessible via a panoramic glass elevator located at the east entrance . Bleachers and bathrooms are also provided to ensure universal accessibility and ease of travel .
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The structure of the roof of 1425 m3 is made of wood , a durable and renewable material . Since , during its growth , wood captures CO2 from the atmosphere and sequesters it in its fiber , this volume of wood corresponds to the sequestration of more than 1,000 tons of CO2 . Wood is thus considered carbonegative , which means that not only does the use of wood in construction generate low carbon emissions , but also helps to remove additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere .
The waterproofing of the roof is carried out with an elastomeric coating covered with white mineral granules in order to limit the heat island effect and the temperature rise for the spectators .
The solar photovoltaic panels on the terrace total 64 m2 and should store enough solar energy in one year to compensate for the energy expenditure required for the complete building at a Grand Prix .