Archetech Issue 47 2020 | Page 31

$UFKLWHFWXUDO9LVLRQ3DQHOV )RU'RRUV :DOOV THE ALL NEW VIER PREMIUM DESIGNER RANGE Made from Grade 304 stainless steel, the new Vier Premium designer range combines high-quality manufacturing techniques with a series of luxuriously designed levers on an all new slim-line magnetic sprung rose for a sleek aesthetic appeal. Call: 01228 672900 Email: [email protected] Visit: &RPSOHWHJOD]LQJV\VWHP)LUHUDWHGRSWLRQV(DV\LQVWDOODWLRQ%UDVVRSWLRQVDYDLODEOH 1RUWK'HVLJQ/WG 7 ZZZQRUWKFRP Vier Premium is part of Zoo Hardware Ltd. METAL TECHNOLOGY - REDEFINING STUDENT LIVING AT 123 YORK STREET PORTHOLES LOUVRES POWER TRANSFER UNITS LOCKS AND CYLINDERS Many cities throughout the UK have seen a proliferation of high spec student accommodation and Metal Technology’s range has proved extremely popular for such applications. In Belfast, 123 York Street Student Accommodation, with its varied and complex façade interfaces between cladding and glazing, showcases Metal Technology’s latest architectural glazing technology. SPECIALIST ARCHITECTURAL HARDWARE SUPPLIERS TO THE DOOR OPENINGS INDUSTRY FLUSH BOLTS FINGER PROTECTION DOOR STAYS ACOUSTIC SEALS ZERO SEAL SYSTEMS LTD UNITS 43-45 LADFORD COVERT SEIGHFORD STAFFORD ST18 9QG TEL - 01785 282910 E-MAIL - [email protected] WWW.ZEROPLUS.CO.UK All Metal Technology’s systems are designed to perform seamlessly together to deliver the desired aesthetic and performance standards. Used individually or together, they offer complete design flexibility for creative expression with the assurance of value engineered structural, weather and security performance For more information, visit: PANIC HARDWARE VISION FRAMES The front entrance screen utilises a 230mm mullion construction which enabled the main entrance to be free of visual structural steel, a key element of the design as specified by project architect Gavin Sloan of RMI and the building has been awarded Belfast Telegraph’s “Commercial Development of the Year”. This commanding entrance was achieved using Metal Technology’s System 17 curtain walling and System 5-20DHi+ Heavy Duty Thermal Doors. The project also used the performance and operational benefits of System 5-35Hi+ Tilt & Turn Thermal Windows using perimeter locking combined with ventilation benefits, System 10 Automatic Sliding Doors and System 26Hi+ Bi-Fold Thermal Doors.