restricted. Listed buildings need to have
FloodGuard UK Ltd offer a wide choice
their aesthetic maintained, so why let their
of Bespoke doors fitted with our Award
beauty be destroyed by adverse weather?
Winning Automatic Door Sealing System.
We offer a wide range of colours and
designs to suit both
Large estate houses and small private
residential and
cottages can benefit massively from
commercial property.
the installation of flood protection
The products and
throughout – this will retain the
services that we
original structure, but you’ll be
Introducing our latest FG
design are to suit
able to relax knowing that your
Specialist Door Range:
all requirements,
historic building is protected with
Archive doors, Laboratory doors,
whether it’s
some of the most effective water
Hospital doors, Hygienic location
flood protection,
products available.
doors, Fire seal doors and
Soundproof doors.
Your factory, shop, office or other
or resilience for
workplace is home to you and your
residential, commercial
employees every day therefore it’s
and historical conservation
important that you take the time to invest
buildings across the UK, we can also
in your establishment to ensure it’s safe for
help you and offer our first class services
everyone there.
Residential flood protection from
Floodguard UK Ltd offers unparalleled
protection against the deadly effects of
flooding in your area. We will ensure that
your home forms a solid barrier against
rising water with a range of flood mitigation
There are many buildings that are protected
due to their historic importance and
heritage – meaning that even reconstructive
construction work on them is heavily
Our extensive range of flood mitigation
products have been tried and tested
numerous times to ensure that they provide
superior protection against the very real
threat of flooding.
Flood protection from superior products
such residential doors made of solid core
composite materials also hardwood. garage
doors, flood barriers and gates commercial
doors of all types,to include steel single
and double doors, flood protection for
roller shutter doors along with many
ancillary products we include everything
to protect all the vulnerable points in your
Flood protection for commercial properties
across the UK forms a solid barrier against
water levels, don’t put your hard-earned
business into unnecessary threat by
neglecting to install bespoke flood
protection products throughout your
The only way of fully defending a building
is by installing bespoke units that have
been specifically crafted to match the
requirements and challenges that your
establishment presents. Therefore, we make
sure to personalise our services for each
client that we work with – meaning that our
in-house research and development team
are always improving the technology found
in all flood defence systems that we offer.
All of this ensures that our residential and
commercial flood defence systems are some
of the most effective and technologically
advanced on the market.
Floodguard UK Ltd. The solution wherever
flooding is a problem
www.floodguarduk.co.uk /
+44 (0)800 073 5455