Archetech Issue 35 2018 | Page 81

the coloUr oF the glazeD ParaPetS graDUally changeS From bottom to toP So that the bUIlDIng ShowS a SoFt coloUr ProgreSSIon From Dark to lIght grey oVer ItS entIre heIght. release system for heating and air conditioning. The three lower floors house the storage and engineering facilities as well as the parking area for passenger cars. On the ground floor public facilities and catering establishments are located next to the lobby also stretching through to the first floor. Upper floors 2 to 25 are designed as individually divisible office spaces. The selected building depth and configuration of the inner cores allow for a wide range of different forms of office organisation providing maximum flexibility. Thanks to its high flexibility the reversible office strategy has proved to be an optimised concept for investors which is easily adaptable to the wishes of individual users and as such generates high sustainability. In the emergency exit staircase bright colours and posted slogans encourage stair climbing, athletic success can be verified on each floor with heart beat sensors. About Zechner / Zechner In 1988 Christoph Zechner established the architecture firm Zechner / Zechner in Vienna together with his brother Martin Zechner. As architects or general planners the firm has implemented numerous projects of different sizes and functions at home and abroad, from residential complexes to office towers, from hotels to railway stations. Projects include the airport tower in Vienna, the main railway station in Graz, the new ÖBB group headquarters, hotel and residential buildings in Viertel Zwei, and the  ORBI Tower. Zechner & Zechner have repeatedly won awards including the European Steel Design Award, the Brunel Award for outstanding visual design in railway transportation, an award for model architecture in Lower Austria, the „AR-Award for emerging architecture“, the „Mobility Award Austria“, and the „World Infrastructure Award“. Today the portion of communication zones and flexibly used spaces must be substantially higher than in classical offices as employees are less and less tied to their workplace.  Rather than standard desks and office cabinets the furniture recalls flats, restaurants, or recreational premises. Chill-out zones and creative areas alternate with computer work stations.