hitaChi europe
laUncheS new market-
leaDIng VrF range
JohnSon controlS-hItachI aIr conDItIonIng eUroPe IS laUnchIng an InnoVatIVe new range oF moDUlar
VrF UnItS For 2018 UnDer the hItachI branD. calleD Set Free SIgma, the oUtDoor UnItS For 2-PIPe heat
PUmP anD 3-PIPe heat recoVery wIll rePlace the eXIStIng Set Free VrF UnItS anD wIll be ProDUceD In the
comPany’S eUroPean manUFactUrIng FacIlIty In SPaIn.
new and extended line up
Available from 5 to 24HP in a single unit module and up to 96HP
with combinations, the outdoor unit casing has been completely
redesigned and offers a total of seven new capacity models - 18,
20, 22 and 24HP (Standard) and 14,16 and 18HP (High Efficiency).
This extended lineup achieves higher power combinations from
fewer units, requiring fewer connections and delivering improved
installation flexibility - meeting the needs of specifiers, installers
and end users.
150% Combinability
All units are compatible with Hitachi’s System Free indoor range,
with comfort (cold draught) protection available as standard
across the range. The High Efficiency FSXNPE model combinability
ratio has been extended to 150% with up to 64 connectable
0.4HP or 0.6HP indoor units.
low environmental Footprint
Using R410A refrigerant, the full Hitachi Sigma VRF range benefits
from a new high efficiency DC inverter compressor for precise
“perfecT for The uK
marKeT, The new hiTachi
sigma vrf models
deliver increased
insTallaTion flexibiliTy.”
control by 0.1Hz increments wh ich achieves a 4.6% increase
in seasonal efficiency over previous models. Combined with a
new fan design, bell-mouth fan housing and sigma-shape heat
exchanger, the Set Free Sigma VRF range achieves improved
efficiency even at low or partial load in cooling operation, with
performances increased to achieve SEER up to 8.33 and a market
leading SCOP up to 5.06.
“Perfect for the UK market, the new Hitachi Sigma VRF models
deliver increased installation flexibility and, when combined with
our changeover boxes and valves, enables both 2-pipe heat pump
and 3-pipe heat recovery from a single unit for buildings where
heating and cooling are required simultaneously,” commented
Gboyega Obafemi, Managing Director UK & Ireland, Johnson
Controls-Hitachi Air Conditioning Europe SAS.
Hitachi’s new Set Free Sigma VRF range is available from Hitachi
Direct Sales in the UK and Ireland and its approved distribution