yeoman ShIelD wall ProtectIon
helps to maintain
standards at Keble prep
a north lonDon boyS’ School haS InStalleD
robUSt wall ProtectIon PanelS From yeoman
ShIelD to helP Protect ItS corrIDor wallS
From conStant wear anD tear anD maIntaIn an
attractIVe SUrroUnDIng
For PUPIlS anD StaFF.
Keble preparatory sChool, in Winchmore Hill has provided
high-quality education for pupils aged between 4-13 since 1929 and
now has more than 200 pupils who enjoy a wide range of academic,
cultural and sporting activities.
But during the busy school day, the movement of equipment and
the normal traffic of pupils and staff was taking its toll on the interior
walls of the main building.
As well as looking unappealing, the damage was a drain on the
school’s maintenance budget as precious time and money is spent
on the constant repair and redecoration of the walls.
John Field, Bursar for Keble Prep commented “We needed to find
a permanent solution to protect the interior walls from continually
being marked and scuffed.
“We came across Yeoman Shield through a recommendation and
thought that their wall protection systems could be the solution to
our ongoing problem.”
A Yeoman Shield Area Sales Manager visited the school to undertake
a no-obligation site survey and advise which products would best
meet its needs.
Yeoman Shield’s skilled fixing operatives then installed the 2.0mm
thick wall protection panels in the company’s FalmouthEx finish
during the Christmas break to minimise disruption to pupils and staff.
The panels, supplied in Dusty Grey and Royal Blue colours, were
fitted to 1200mm high in the senior school ground and top floor
corridors, as well as to stairs and stairwells.
In addition, 75 x 75mm corner protection angles gave a neat finish
to the panels, as well as offering added protection to vulnerable
The fitted wall protection will prevent unsightly damage and avoid
the need for costly repair and redecoration, helping the school
to maintain its pristine appearance and protect its maintenance
budgets too.
“We are exceptionally pleased with the quality of both Yeoman
Shield’s products and workmanship. Being able to do the installation
work at a time that was the least disruptive to the running of the
school was a bonus,” concluded Mr Field
For more information on maintenance saving wall & door protection
products call 0113 279 5854 or go to