Archetech Issue 35 2018 | Page 18

Images courtesy of Yurky Cross Chartered Architects Design Problems solveD With bim and vectoRwoRks yurky Cross ChArTered ArChiTeCTs is a London-based firm that specializes in affordable housing and mixed-use projects in the South East. The firm often faces two reoccurring challenges with projects in the city: space and differing opinions. Yurky Cross Chartered Architects’ Practice Director Michael Cross and Senior Architectural Technicia n Christiaan Briggs used Building Information Modeling (BIM) to solve these issues for a project on Lewisham High Street. Following the demolition of buildings on Lewisham High Street in the SE13 area of London, Yurky Cross designed 6,460 square feet of ground-floor commercial space and 51 self-contained residential units. “Lewisham went through numerous iterations and discussions with planners,” said Cross. Like almost all of their projects in London, maximizing the potential of the site was the first concern; the design called for a scheme that fully filled the vectorWorks checks a Lot oF boxes, not just in concePtuAl Design, but Also PresentAtion, moDeling, everything. you cAn stAy Within thAt one ProgrAm AnD get the Work Done. site space, and proposed a tall, corner focal point. Cross explained, “As a very prominent site in Lewisham High Street, there were many opinions about how the building should look.” Using a column with brickwork laid out in a grid system, Senior Architectural Technician Christiaan Briggs and his team created visual plans in Vectorworks for an exterior that worked within the street context, while still standing out. To accomplish this, Yurky Cross created a BIM model for multiple design iterations. Yurky Cross has used the software for over 20 years, and Briggs has been working with Vectorworks for his entire career. “It’s very flexible, and we’ve always been able to directly model anything we like,” he said. The firm keeps all of its work directly in Vectorworks Architect, freeing up time that could be restricted by switching between different, specialized tools and allowing the team to make the most out of each BIM model they create. “We don’t tend to hop in and out of other programs,” Briggs added. “Vectorworks checks a lot of boxes, not just in conceptual design, but also presentation, modeling, everything. You can stay within that one program and get the work done.” learn more about the software the empowers yurky Cross Chartered Architects at