One Tower Bridge
Squire and Partners
Designs identified hotel and residential
accommodation supported by significant
cultural, leisure, restaurant and retail
uses, as well as new landscaped public spaces at
the centre of the development and pedestrian
connections which visually and physically link
Tower Bridge with Tooley Street.
Squire and Partners’ masterplan for One Tower Bridge
on London’s South Bank is fully realised this month with the open-
ing of The Ivy restaurant and the launch of the Bridge Theatre for
the London Theatre Company.
The plan was conceived as a lasting new piece of the city which
articulates the transition between More London’s contemporary
architecture and the warehouse vernacular of Shad Thames, and
respects its prominent riverside location on Potters Fields Park ad-
jacent to the Grade I listed Tower Bridge.
Designs identified hotel and residential accommodation support-
ed by significant cultural, leisure, restaurant and retail uses, as
well as new landscaped public spaces at the centre of the devel-
opment and pedestrian connections which visually and physically
link Tower Bridge with Tooley Street.
Defining the edge of Potters Fields Park is Cambridge House, a low
horizontal building clad in strips of Catalan Gris limestone, with a
double height ground floor accessing the 6,870m2 cultural space
for the London Theatre Company.
Sharing the same palette and set within a central landscaped
courtyard is The Tower, a 20 storey slender ‘campanile’ offering
one apartment per floor, topped by a glazed garden terrace. The
Catalan Gris stone is offset with finely detailed bronze anodised
windows and chamfered recesses.