TErry duffy at
PHiliPs ConteMPorary
PAiNtiNGS By tErry DuFFy bring originality, curiosity,
intensity and counterbalance to any architectural environment.
Contemporary or classic Interiors are enhanced by their intense
colour and spacial depths. Closer inspection reveals a sheer
surface of detailed technique rarely found in contemporary
Terry has spent his life investigating and experimenting with
the painted surface and the spiritual aspects of mark making,
bringing something vibrant, thought provoking and exceptional
to contemporary art. His work is an important contribution to the
history of art and his international reputation is assured.
Terry Duffy has created a new set of paintings and prints which
can be viewed online or by appointment. Works comes in a variety
of sizes, suitable for the home, office or dynamic reception area.
Prices start from £500 for limited edition prints and from £3,000
- £50,000 for original paintings.
Philips Art Gallery opened in 1996 with an exhibition of
paintings by a handful of talented graduates from the art schools
of England and Scotland. Two decades on, 20th century British
and European art features prominently in gallery exhibitions
alongside the best of contemporary painting. Occasionally we
have taken part in some of the more reputable art fairs in London,
New York and Frankfurt. We offer clients a personal approach
as well as in depth knowledge of the best in contemporary art
and the pursuit of artistic excellence in a complex and often
confusing art market.
We look forward to hearing from you.
David Powell
Philips Contemporary