To install the Warmshell system
at Houlston Manor, wood-fibre
insulation boards were fixed
directly to the external brickwork
after excavating down around the
sides of the house at ground level
– a precaution taken as the house
had different floor levels internally.
The insulation boards were
then covered by two coats of
lime render – a basecoat (with
reinforcing fibreglass mesh) and
decorative finishing coat. The eaves
were also extended to ensure that
the roof had significant overhang
over the insulation and renders.
Houlston Manor is now secure,
warm and weather-proof for
decades to come. In the first three
months following the installation
of Warmshell (in winter 2015),
the property used 2800kWh for
heating, compared to 6821 kWh in
the exact same period the previous
This represents an incredible 59%
reduction in energy costs! As the
original brick walls dry out and
warm up over time, the owners
expect to see even greater energy
cost savings. Houlston Manor is
now ‘fit for purpose’ for the 21st
century and beyond, a warm,
cosy and energy efficient family
home that will last for many more
generations to come.
For further information on
Warmshell insulation systems
please visit
or call Lime Green Products on
01952 728611
10 - 12 OCTOBER 2017