Archetech Issue 30 2017 | Page 58

ecliPse WorDS: ecliPse phoToS: FernanDo Guerra Fahr 021.3 the celebrAtory piece eclipSe marks the 20th  anniversary of the classification of the historic centre of  Porto  as Unesco World Heritage site. A temporary installation, Eclipse is a project by architecture studio FAHR 021.3 who created a sphere that temporarily shifts the centre of the city square towards its gravitational pull. “The installation enters the public space with a disruption of scale that entices interaction and fruition,”  describe Filipa Frois Almeida and Hugo Reis from FAHR 021.3 Eclipse stands in an off-centre position which encourages passers-by to rethink the Amor de Perdição Square from a different perspective. It breaks the surrounding architecture’s quiet historic elegance with a bold statement of sheer size and colourful disruption. This unexpected contrast establishes a