Archetech Issue 22 2016 | Page 81
Wilshere County Hall, Trowbridge,
by Stride Treglown - image © Steve Townsend
Tribes, Eindhoven, by AbrahamsCrielaers B.V. image © Rika Looij
Central St Giles, London by Renzo
Piano Building Workshop
Barsa Taberna, Toronto, by +tongtong
Ceramiche Refin
With over 50 years of manufacturing
included Alessandro Mendini, Michele De
Refin offers a large variety of porcelain
under their belt Ceramiche Refin is one of
Lucchi, Mario Bellini, Karim Rashid, Luca
stoneware solutions for floors and walls
the world leaders in porcelain stoneware
Nichetto, Studio FM Milano and Giulio
for private homes, offices, retail areas,
tile production. Based near Bologna, the
hospitality and catering facilities, and
tile capital of the world, Refin produces
over 6 million m2 of tiles per year. With
their new state-of-the-art factory and
a Milan showroom, they boast both a
prodigious output in terms of design and
Research & Development
public areas subject to heavy foot traffic.
Porcelain tiles
Ceramic tiles have grown in popularity
thanks to their ultra-high quality. Grés
porcelain, as it is often referred to, means
the ceramic tile is vitrified and compact
making it exceptionally impact resistant.
Refin tiles are durable, stain and scratch
Innovation and creativity are the mainstays
resistant, suitable for indoor/outdoor use
of the Refin ethos. The research team
and are available in hundreds of colours
works closely alongside their in-house
and finishes.
technical laboratory to constantly develop
Refin has a variety of tiles sizes in their
is a vital component in enhancing
portfolio, including two new maxi-sizes
Refin’s reputation as a leader in this field.
- 120x120 cm and 120x240 cm - which
DesignTaleStudio by Ceramiche Refin
can also be used in ventilated facades.
is a long-term creative project giving
OUT2.0 from Ceramiche Refin are 20mm
designers and architects an opportunity
thick porcelain stoneware tiles suitable
to push the boundaries of tile design.
for outdoor use and are available in a
DesignTaleStudio collaborators have
selection of finishes, from natural stone to
wood effect.
found in projects worldwide, chosen for
the outstanding innovation and cuttingedge design of the products, as well
as the the technological content and
manufacturing processes that lie behind
them. Recent projects include Central St
Giles, London, by Renzo Piano Building
Workshop, Trowbridge County Hall by
Stride Treglown, Tribes, Eindhoven by
AbrahamsCrielaers B.V, and Barsa Taberna,
Toronto, by +tongtong.
UK Specification Consultant:
Massimo Sferrazza
T: 020 3603 1884 / 07503 778938
Email: [email protected]
Page 81 - Archetech
new products. Advancing tile technology
The company’s ceramic surfaces can be