Gestion immobilière 1650 recently
The idea was to create and build a
held the official inauguration of a 3,700
modern facility, bold in design with a
m2mixed-use building, Le 1650.
unique signature style and sharp angles
to clearly distinguish the final product,
The multidisciplinary firm, A2DESIGN,
while maintaining a simple sober look
developed the plans for the entire
for a more seamless integration into the
structure in addition to overseeing its
surrounding environment. Distinctive
actual construction. Le 1650 includes a
traits include the building bulk and
main level available for lease, while the 1st
protective aluminium canopy connecting
and 2nd floors house clinics belonging to
the main entrance to the parking area.
co-owners, Dr. Daniel Godin, orthodontist,
Expansive windows disseminate an
and Dr. Alain St-Onge, dentist. Crowning
abundance of natural light into the
this new facility is a sweeping rooftop
neutral-toned minimalist, aesthetic
terrace, adjacent to a conference room
fashioned for training purposes.