ARCH Portfolio ARCH Portfolio | Page 3



In simple terms, cancer is the loss of order in the tissue or organ where it develops. Order is the key word in this concept, the human body more than an organism that works in an orderly manner and needs each part to work harmoniously. Taking this as a fundamental part of the conceptual development of the project, order is important not only physically but emotionally in the human body and in the architecture logically for the functioning of the space.

The simple fact that children have to live a traumatic experience of having a possibly terminal illness is difficult to overcome. Here is the importance of the light, shape and color elements to create a space that can comfort the children and that if for some reason they should return to it they do not have negative feelings towards the hospital. Natural light and the relationship with the natural environment are key to this result, with a balance between these two can create recovery spaces to evoke feelings of hope and warmth. The pragmatic geometric shapes for their purity do not intimidate the mind of a child and are easy to assimilate, with the primary and secondary colors will be a composition that will give continuity, symmetry and create intervals between the general areas. Its reason of being, formally, will focus on creating pleasant sensations and maintaining the orderly, logical and harmonious composition in which each element will be arranged with reference to the other elements, its purpose and hierarchy in the project.