Arcadis Construction, Engineering & Design by GineersNow Drones & Technologies in Construction Industry | Page 29
7,000 Doosan Employees Worldwide
Come Together on Doosan Day of
Community Service
On April 19, employees of Doosan Group from
all over the world celebrated the Doosan Day
of Community Service, offering a helping hand
to make their local communities better places
to live.
This time, more than 7,000 employees in 16
countries in Asia, the Americas, Europe and
the Middle East took part in the corporate vol-
unteer program together to help improve their
local communities. The event, which debuted
in October 2014, is the fifth Doosan Day of
Community Service and has become part of
the Company’s unique culture of corporate
social responsibility (CSR).
In Korea, employees made furniture for low-in-
come families, visited the disadvantaged and
elderly, donated blood and performed envi-
ronmental cleanup activities. Teams in the
United States helped renovate and repair local
facilities and cleaned up the environment. In
the Middle East, volunteers donated basic
necessities to the marginalized while those in
the United Kingdom helped repair community
facilities and donated books.
Doosan Group Chairman Jeongwon Park also
participated in the furniture-making program
held under the theme of “Heartwarming Furni-
ture Story” and helped make storage cabinets
and desks to support single-parent families.
The furniture is made up of space-saving
pieces to maximize the use of space in each
“The Doosan Day of Community Service has
become a festival of sharing celebrated by
both Doosan employees and those living in
their local communities,” Chairman Park said.
“I hope you take this opportunity to spread the
warmth and enjoy the experience of sharing
with your local communities.”
C onstruction Leaders • May 2017