Arboretum Bulletin Summer 2021 Volume 83, Issue 2 | Page 4

Summer Enchantment

Summer has arrived at the Arboretum ! I ’ m feeling a heightened sense of gratitude for more of the “ usual ” activities as the city and state reopen . Most of our volunteer groups are resuming operations , and summer campers will soon be on the grounds , too . The Japanese Garden team is busy looking at how to increase visitor capacity once again , and the pace is also quickening on capital projects , including the restoration of Rhododendron Glen .

We are particularly looking forward to the Japanese Garden Party , scheduled ( in-person , fingers crossed ) for August 12 . A unique and wonderful part of the evening will be the world premiere of “ Garden of Enchantment ,” a new piece by internationally recognized composer Paul Chihara , commissioned for the Garden ’ s 60th year and performed by a trio of leading Seattle Symphony musicians . Mr . Chihara is a Japanese-American composer who was born in Seattle in 1938 and has a long and distinguished career creating original pieces for leading symphony and ballet companies around the world , as well as for the film industry .
During a recent chat about the piece written for the Garden , Mr . Chihara talked about how meaningful this project has been for him , connecting to his childhood . I think our team was a little star-struck to hear about the many experiences and accolades from his decadeslong career . As we ease back into in-person events , there will be limited tickets available for this special evening , so I encourage you to reserve early . ( Tickets go on sale July 8 on the Garden ’ s website , seattlejapanesegarden . org .)
Meanwhile , please enjoy this edition of the “ Bulletin ,” which features excerpts from an interview with Iain Robertson , conducted as part of our Oral History project with HistoryLink , as well as some enticing stories and photos about some summer-loving plants .
Here ’ s to longer days and summer sunshine !
Jane Stonecipher Executive Director , Arboretum Foundation
2 v Washington Park Arboretum Bulletin