ARAMFO Educational Foundation 2016 | Page 8

WHY FACULTY-LED PROGRAMS ? 62% 3% STUDY ABROAD 35% short-term mid-length Summer up to eight weeks one-two quarters/one semester * long-term academic or calendar year “Institute of International Education, Open Doors.” *Data from IIE’s Open Doors is representative of all types of study abroad programs. WRIT TEN BY: CHELSE A JOHNSON E D I T E D B Y : PA U L K E L LY “S tudying abroad” can mean a lot of things. A student can typically choose to study abroad independently or look at different options, including third-party programs, university partnerships, or faculty-led programs. For this article we will take a focus specifically on why faculty-led programs are a great choice for study abroad partnerships. 8 I Faculty-led programs are a great way to enhance student learning before, during, and after education abroad. A R A M F O E D U C AT I O N A L F O U N DAT I O N I Faculty-led programs are a great way to enhance student learning before, during, and after education abroad. Having a faculty member involved and participating in the entire process and serving as a integrative reference for the student participants can be the ideal scenario for both the professor and student. their program to incorporate certain components or themes that were/will be introduced during the educational trip. Faculty typically offer classes and workshops before and after Having the professor present and participating on the trip during the 2016 Pre-departure on the faculty’s end includes academic groundwork, understanding the political climate, cultural competence, and logistical preparation.