Aquila Children's Magazine magnificentMegaMag-92pages | Page 86

Have you ever watched your family dog snoozing the day away – twitching and even barking in her sleep? Perhaps she is dreaming of the ancient past, when her ancestors had responsible jobs working for their human families? Today, dogs come in all shapes, colours and sizes but they are all closely related to the wild ancestral wolf Canis lupus. Historians and scientists believe that 100,000 years ago wolves were following human tribes, scavenging for leftover food. Humans soon realised that, far from being a pest, the wolf’s superior sense of smell and hearing could actually lend the tribe an advantage. This was the start of a unique partnership that benefitted both species. While wolf-dogs guarded livestock and helped with hunting, humans were granted time to develop practical and technical skills in other areas. Some people think that human history may have progressed quite differently if dogs and humans had never joined forces.