Aquila Children's Magazine magnificentMegaMag-92pages | Page 76

I wonder what you’d say if I were to ask you this question: What could be as bad for your health as eating a triple cheese and bacon beefburger and a large portion of chips, followed by a deep-fried chocolate bar and a can of pop every day, for a week? I’m pretty sure your answer wouldn’t be ‘loneliness’, but, surprisingly that is the correct one. Loneliness is so bad for our health that some healthcare professionals are calling it an epidemic 1 . So, why are people so lonely? Researchers think it’s because more people are living on their own. In 2017 it was estimated that 28 per cent of all UK households contain just one person 2 . Many of these are elderly people, but there are many adults – including some young people 3 – who also live alone, maybe because they have moved away for work or to study. Why is loneliness so bad for us? I love being alone. Other people are AWFUL! Of course there are people who love being alone, but that’s not the same thing as loneliness. People who are lonely don’t choose to spend so much time alone. Just like elephants, dolphins and wolves (don’t forget guinea pigs, pets are people too, ed) humans are a social species. Elephants (and guinea pigs) may go off on their own from time to time but they normally live and work best as a group. We are designed just like them. Scientists who have done work on loneliness have found that the brains of lonely people actually change 4 . Just think about that for a second. That’s not good! They go on to say that being lonely can make people anxious, depressed, negative, stressed, tired and even ill. Scientists believe that our survival depends on our ability to work together as a group, and not on our individual successes.