STEP 5: Write your
script STEP 7: Direct!
Possibly the hardest of all our steps… collected your costumes and imagined
What kind of words do the characters your set. Now is the time to get your
use? How does their speech reflect their actors together and bring it all to life.
beliefs or personality? Remember, Staging is important – big, dramatic
Sophocles, Shakespeare and all the gestures and strong, booming voices will
legends in between had to redraft their make your play iconically Greek – over
scripts until they were happy. Be exaggerate your body language and
persistent. Keep writing. Keep redrafting. movements to make the performance
So, you’ve written your masterpiece,
highly dramatic.
Make a
chorus mask
In a Greek play, members of the chorus
often wear masks.
You will need:
– A plastic mask (you can
use this again and again)
– Scissors
– Petroleum jelly
– Gloves (important safety
gear for any project that
involves plaster of Paris)
– ModRoc
– Acrylic paint
– Sharp implement (a
needle will do)
– Modelling clay
– Elastic
1 Cut your mask
below the nose
and cover in
petroleum jelly
(this will stop the
plaster sticking
to the plastic).
Choosing costumes, set and props is
equally as important as the lines of
dialogue and stage directions you’ve
poured your heart into writing. Does the
king wear a purple cloak? (Perhaps it’ll
have to be green as that’s the colour of
your parent’s tablecloth, maybe NOT STEP 8: RELAX!
flowery like your nan’s curtains…) The You’ve done the hard bit and spent lots
chorus wear masks. Have you made of time developing your tragedy. Now
them? Can you design them? See our watch your actors turn your
helpful photo guide to making your own masterpiece into a phenomenon. Sit
Greek mask opposite. back, relax and enjoy the show! We
can’t guarantee you’ll earn millions in
cash, but we can guarantee that you’ll
earn the respect of your friends, family
and loved ones, whilst maybe teaching
your audience a thing or two.
It might seem like a lot of hard work,
but we promise you’ll feel an enormous
sense of achievement in entertaining
the crowds of adoring fans and it’ll be
2 Wearing gloves
for protection,
dip strips of
ModRoc in water,
squeeze out and
cover the front
of the mask.
Build layers to
make facial
3 Leave to dry for 48 hours.
4 Paint mask and,
when dry, peel
away the plastic
mask from the
plaster duplicate.
Using your needle
and modelling
clay, make a hole
in each side and
attach elastic.
AMAZING fun to work with your actors
and play with costumes and props! The
original Greek plays are still being
performed today. So go on… WHAT
Plaster of Paris can be dangerous if
not used correctly. Always follow the
instructions on the container and
have a helpful adult present.
STEP 6: Design your
play visually