Aquila Children's Magazine aquila-mathsInNature-0517 | Page 13

MAKE A FIBONACCI FILTER Don’t believe us when we say that Fibonacci’s sequence is everywhere in art, architecture and nature? Well, why not see for yourself? This interesting little invention is a challenge to make but you’ll soon be finding Fibonacci all over the place. Why not take this along next time you visit an art gallery? Just don’t forget to send us pictures of you hunting down the Golden Ratio with your Fibonacci filter! YOU WILL NEED Cardboard Sharp Pencil Ruler Scissors A helpful adult Acrylic paints Permanent marker Modelling clay Squared paper (we used paper with 5 mm x 5 mm squares) The plastic wrapper that came with AQUILA (see, aren’t we thrifty!) 3 split pins 1 loom band Strong PVA glue right corner of the second (see next picture). If you like you can write the words Fibonacci Fun times Filter on a spare bit of cardboard and stick it on the first rectangle, but you know what you’re making, so it isn’t strictly necessary. modelling clay to protect fingers and tables, pierce holes in the places marked by arrows. rectangles in one colour, and the other two in another colour (this step is optional, but it does look fetching!) Leave to dry completely. 3 When the cardboard rectangles are completely dry, take two of the same colour and carefully mark out a frame 2 cm deep on each one. 4 Very carefully cut the middle sections out, so that only the frame remains. 5 Take the other two cardboard rectangles. With scissors, round off the top left corne r of the first, and the top Hole he re PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER 1 Put a split pin in the front cover and in the back cover, as pictured. 2 1 2 Paint two 4 Pierce a hole in the corner of the frame. We’ve marked the spot with an arrow. 6 Using a sharp pencil and some MAKING THE COVER AND FRAME Mark up and cut out four cardboard rectangles, each measuring 14.5 cm x 10.5 cm. You can a handy li lso use this ttle gad get as an aid t o dra help com wing, or to pos photog e your raphs. MAKING THE FILTER 1 Take a piece of squared paper and, using a pencil and a ruler, very carefully draw a Fibonacci spiral following the instructions on pages 10-11. Thread another split pin through the hole in the top left corner of the front cover, through the frame and out through the back cover (see blue arrows), binding them all together. Use a loom band to hold your filter closed. Loom band Taadaa! You can use the Fibonacci Fun times Filter to improve the composition of your drawings – here’s a quick sketch I did using mine as a guide. 2 Place a sheet of plastic from your AQUILA wrapper over the Fibonacci spiral and carefully trace it onto the plastic with a permanent marker. 3 Spread glue on the backs of both frame pieces and stick the plastic between them, being careful to line it up so the spiral sits squarely inside the frame. Leave it to dry completely. When it is totally dry, trim off the excess plastic. 13