Aquila Children's Magazine AQUILA Magazine Best Bits | Page 73

EMBRYO STAGE Uterine cavity Your parents’ combined DNA blended to make a new single cell called a zygote, which contained the code for your own unique DNA and the instructions for building your entire body. Your original single cell copied your DNA code and split apart into two cells, this took roughly 24 hours. Your cells continued copying and splitting and by the end of the third day, you were a multi-celled ball that looked a little like a tiny mulberry. You passed through the fallopian tube and attached to the uterus wall, you formed your own placenta and amniotic sac, and then tiny, multi- celled-ball-you started fl oating in amniotic fl uid. Your 3-week-old embryo was 2–3 mm long and your neural tube (later to be your spinal column) was formed. At 4 weeks from conception you were 4–5 mm long and your four- chambered heart started beating! Just 8 weeks after your single cell was formed, most of your major development had occurred and all your major organs and body parts were formed. Your embryo was 25–30 mm long (about the size of a raspberry), your face and neck had taken shape and you started to move. Zygote Amniotic sac Placenta Yolk sac Maternal blood supply ECHOES OF EVOLUTION During the second week of your embryo development, you developed a yolk sac, a relic left behind by ancestors who laid eggs. In your fourth week you resembled a fi sh embryo. During your fi fth week you resembled a chick embryo. By your seventh week you were clearly a mammal, with a small tail. form. You carry the story of evolution in your DNA. FOETAL GROWTH Yep, a tail! And by week eight, your embryo had evolved to your human Your body grew larger and stronger as you evolved in the womb and your brain grew rapidly in the last three months. Your growth was determined by your inherited genes, your placenta and the nutrition passed to you by your mother. You grew from a single cell into a fully- formed baby made up of trillions of cells in just nine months! WEeK 16 WEeK 39 What? Ed Squash eapple Pin Pumpkin ermelon Wat ulifl ower Ca Neural tube Uterus wall WEeK 7 g uber in Fallopian (uterine) tube 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42