Aquila Children's Magazine AQUILA Magazine Best Bits | Page 26
oes Leonardo da Vinci’s
work include secret hidden
meanings? The short answer is
‘probably’, because in Leo’s Why the long face? Probably More symbols can apparently be
day lots of artworks contained because she’d been sitting on a found on a bridge in the
hidden meanings. Remember, wooden stool for hours getting background of the painting. It
many people could not read a numb bum, while Leo carries the numbers 72 or it
and write. Symbols hidden in captured her so-called might be L2. Theories abound as
the art around them told ‘enigmatic smile’. Bottoms aside, to what the letters and numbers
people how to think and how there are some fascinating mean. Some speculate they are
to behave, it’s just that some things going on in this picture related to Christian and Jewish
messages were more covert that you won’t see at numerology, while others say
than others. first glance. they are just references to dates
and nothing more. The thing
about Leonardo though, is that
We don’t want to toot our own
trumpets (yeah,
right! Ed)
he loved to hide and entertain,
but it turns out that if so you can never be too sure
Renaissance painter and exactly why he hid those
inventor Leonardo da Vinci symbols or what he was trying
was alive and well today, he’d to say with them.
probably be an AQUILAnaut.
The cheeky scamp loved
nothing better than hiding
symbols and meanings in his
paintings, creating puzzles
and intrigue and writing from
right to left, the trickster.
We’re going to take a look at
two of his most famous works
and the hidden meanings he
may have created with the
simplest flick of his
Some say that if you get up close and
personal to Mona with a magnifying glass,
you’ll see that in her right eye are the letters
LV, so far so self-explanatory, but what about
the letters in her left eye that seem to spell
out CE or possibly CB?