AQHA Mar-April 2024 Low Res March / April 2024 | Page 44

PG . 42


Breeding your mare - waiting for that beautiful foal to be born - how fantastic will this be .
Does the IBF box have YES ? If not , then the stallion has not be recognised by the AQHA as a breeding sire and means that you could have a problem with your foal being registered , you can check with the AQHA Office 02 6762 6444 , the stallion may be in the process of having its IBF completed .
Is the current owner a financial member of the AQHA and therefore eligible to lodge breeding returns for this stallion ? Check with the AQHA as above .
What are the genetic tests results showing for this stallion and does your mare have genetic results on file also if any of the following tests are applicable .
The below is lengthy but it is important that you are kept informed and can make your own decisions on breeding .
HERDA : Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia is an inherited skin condition that is characterized by hyperextensible skin , scarring and sever lesions along the back of affected horses .
• Horses with N / N genotype will not have hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia and cannot transmit this hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia variant to their offspring .
• Horses with N / HRD genotype will not be affected by hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia , but are carriers . They may transmit this hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia variant to 50 % of their offspring .
• Matings between two carriers result in a 25 % chance of producing an affected foal .
• Horses with HRD / HRD genotype will have hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia . These horses are not registerable with the AQHA .
OLWS ( LWO ): Lethal white overo is a genetic disorder that results from two copies of the version of the gene causing the frame overo coat colour pattern .
• Horses with N / N genotype will not have the overo pattern and cannot transmit this lethal white overo variant to their offspring .
• Horses with N / CAR ( N / O ) genotype will have the overo pattern and are carriers . They may transmit this lethal white overo variant to their offspring .
• Matings with N / N horses will result in a 50 % chance of producing an overo foal .
• Matings with between two carriers will result in a 25 % chance of producing a lethal white foal .
• Horses with O / O genotype will have LWO , a condition incompatible with life .