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L-R : Janette Cook , Breanna with Sundance and our dogs • Photo by : Liz Speed Photography
Clubs during 2023 , and we also got to perform alongside Guy McLean ! We were so thankful for that opportunity , as Guy ’ s achieved so much in the equine industry , and it was thrill !
I love that Flirt ’ s developed into such a versatile horse . We ’ ve not only competed in Challenges and Campdrafts , but also in Twohanded Cutting , at the Monto Cutting Club . Flirt moves with elegance , but definitely won ’ t let a cow get away , whether we ’ re mustering or competing in Campdrafting . I love how quick she can be when required , and how she ’ ll also slow down easily and work a cow in the Two-handed Cuttings , which we have actually placed quite well in . She accepts anything I throw at her , and we both have great fun competing . When it comes to working with any of our horses , I treat them all the same way , meaning most of my horses end up doing a bit of everything .
Riding Flirt tackless to win the Liberty competition at
2022 Cowgirls Gathering Photo by : Coverdale Media
At 4yo Flirt strained a tendon , with no hope given that she ’ d ever be a riding horse again . I later put her in foal and she had the most beautiful filly , now a 3yo , currently in Cutting