AQHA Magazine September / October 2023 AQHA Sept-Oct 2023 LOW RES | Page 19

PG . 17
With 20 points in front at the end of Friday , it was all down to the last few events , and from all accounts it was very close indeed .
Congratulations also goes to all of the international teams , with the great sportsman ’ s you all are , made for a great fun packed and friendly competition . To our Aussie Team , a huge congratulation to each and every one of you , as this achievement would not have been possible without everyone ’ s help and input . You all worked like a well oiled machine , polite , courteous , helpful , respectful of the horses and supportive of your fellow team mates and under very hot and conditions , and with 4.30am starts every morning , your enthusiasm never stopped !
Thanks must go to the AQHA , and our partners , sponsors , families , friends , helpers , supporters , and everyone in between , for without you all , this would not have been possible . We also thank the AmQHA for putting on such a wonderful event , serving to make lifetime memories for our Youth !